Civil inspections are imperative to a building’s structural integrity. Beginning at the excavation stage of your project, AMAA will be on-site to confirm all construction activity is performed in compliance with approved project plans. AMAA provides comprehensive civil inspection services to get your project from subsurface to ground level, including but not limited to: structural pile installations for retaining walls, footings and foundations, sheeting, shoring and bracing for excavations, underpinning of existing adjacent structures, and soil fill, placement and testing. In conjunction with its licensed and accredited lab, AMAA helps to ensures a proper foundation for your project’s success.
Civil Inspection Services:
- Underpinning as per BC 1704.20.3, BC 1814
- Underpinning and alternative methods of support of buildings and adjacent property as per BC 1705.25.4, BC 1817
- Subgrade Inspection as per BC 1705.6:
- Compaction Testing
- Subsurface Conditions - Fill Placement & In-Place Density as per BC 1705.6:
- Density Testing
- Subsurface Investigations (Borings/Test Pits) as per BC 1705.6
- Deep Foundations Elements as per BC 1705.7
- Helical Piles Foundation as per BC 1705.9
- Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors Inspection as per BC 1705.8.1
- Vertical Masonry Foundation Elements as per BC 1705.19
- Excavation - Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing as per BC 1705.25.3
- Soil Percolation Test - Private On-Site Storm Water Drainage Disposal Systems, and Detention Facilities as per BC 1705.27.1.2
- Private On-Site Storm Water Drainage Disposal Systems, and Detention Facilities Installation as per BC 1705.27.2
- Individual On-Site Private Sewage Disposal Systems Installation as per BC 1705.28
- Soil Percolation Test - Individual On-Site Private Sewage Disposal Systems as per BC 1705.28
- Flood Zone Compliance as per BC 1705.34, BC G105
- Post-Installed Anchors (BB# 2014-018, 2014-019) as per BC 1705.37:
- Anchors Pull-Testing
- Footing and Foundation as per BC 110.3.1
- Final as per AC 28-116, BC 110.5