Sprayed Fire resistant materials inspections NYC

As mandated by New York City's building codes, sprayed fire-resistant materials (SFRM) are required to undergo special inspections before and after their installation. These inspections are meant to ensure that the SFRM used is in compliance with the approved construction documents, and that it will function as intended in the event of a fire.

Section 1705.14 of the NYC Building Code outlines the specific tests and observations that need to be carried out during these inspections. They include:

  • Physical and visual tests to check the condition of substrates, thickness of application, density, bond strength adhesion/cohesion, and condition of finished application.
  • Inspection of structural member surface conditions before the application of SFRM.
  • Verification that the prepared surface of structural members is in compliance with the approved fire-resistance design and the written instructions of approved manufacturers.
  • Ensuring that the ambient temperature before and after application meets the requirements set by approved manufacturers.
  • Ventilating the area during and after application as required by the written instructions of approved manufacturers.

We offer comprehensive inspections for SFRM applied to floor, roof, and wall assemblies and structural members. We ensure that all necessary tests are carried out and that all compliance requirements are met before signing off on any project. Our experienced inspectors have the knowledge and expertise to deliver timely, efficient, and accurate inspections to ensure the safety and protection of your building.